Official rules

HomeOfficial rules


Address: European Cornhole Association,

Cesta v Lipovce 20, 1358 Log pri Brezovici, Slovenia

Tel: ++ 386 (0)31 814 391


The official rules for playing the game of Cornhole were adopted by the assembly at its first meeting, on June 19, 2024 in Rogaška Slatina, and they come into effect immediately.

The Official Rules describe the equipment, playing field, fouls, terminology and mutual communication between all stakeholders of the game.

Since Cornhole is a relatively new game, during the course of the game it may turn out that individual rules need to be supplemented, changed, or abolished. Therefore, the professional staff at the European Cornhole Association will monitor competitions in Cornhole and all possible positive, useful information will be carefully reviewed at their meetings and later after Official evaluation also supplemented if necessary.


1.1. Approved equipment

– All equipment described in these rules has been approved by the European Cornhole Association (hereinafter EChA).

– The equipment is used in all official competitions sponsored by EChA.

– Cornhole equipment must meet the requirements listed below.

1.2. Boards

– Two game boards are used to play the game.

– The game board has the following dimensions:

   – in length from 120 to 122 cm,

   – in width from 60 to 61 cm,

   – the thickness of the top board is between 15 and 18 mm,

   – the front edge of the board should be raised to a minimum of 6.5 cm and should not exceed 9 cm above the ground.

   – the total weight of one board must be at least 7 kg (due to the weight and stability).

– Each board has extendable legs under the board, which raise one side of the board to a height of 30 cm from the ground (measured perpendicularly from the ground).

– The board has a hole with a diameter of 15.24 cm in the upper part, which is centered in width and 23 cm away from the upper part of the board measuring from the center of the hole.

– The hole is chamfered around the entire perimeter to a width of + – 5 mm, at an angle of 45ͦ.

– The top layer of the board must be machined to perfect smoothness, perfectly flat, without any bend, other distortion or dent.

– The playing surface of the board is varnished, which gives the board a smooth texture (the bag must slide on the board).

1.3. Bags

– All bags used in competitions sponsored by EChA must be approved by EChA. The “EChA” sign must be sewn on or otherwise visible on the bag. The EChA mark must be approved by the European Cornhole Association.

– Competitors can bring their own bags to the competition, but they must be approved by EChA and meet accepted bag standards.

– The above-described conditions for awarding the “EChA” mark or the mark of the European Cornhole Association come into force upon the approval of the standardization of the bags by the European Cornhole Association. Until further notice, the bags must meet the conditions described in Article 1.4.

1.4. Contents of bags

– The bags must weigh between 430 – 460 grams. The bag (horizontally pressed with the palm over the entire surface) must not exceed a thickness of 3.8 cm and its minimum thickness must not fall below 2.8 cm.

– The length of one side of the bag in its flattened position (pressed with the palm over the entire surface) is between 14.5 and 15 cm, measured from the outer edge. All four sides of the bags must be the same length.

– The bags must be slightly rounded at the corners, but the intermediate part between the extreme corners of each side must not be shorter than 11 cm. All four rounded corners of the bag must be equally rounded. The curves of the arc must start (end) at the same distance from the middle of each side of the bag.

– The bag should be filled with small granules made of recycled PVC material.

– The bags may have the manufacturer’s name written on one edge.

– The bag can be made of any fabric and color, which can also be different on both sides.

1.5. Player responsibility for bags

– The bags must have a printed imprint or the name of the manufacturer and the EChA mark, as well as the protective letter A (Approved), which means that the bag is manufactured in accordance with the aforementioned regulations on the adequacy of bags.

The condition under the above indent comes into force after the accepted standardization by EChA (see Article 1.3, third indent).

– The competitor’s bags used in the competition must be identical in all parameters.

– During the competition, the size of the bags must not be changed, the content changed or its shape tampered with in any other way.

– The bags must not leave any stains or other residues.

– The bags must be clean, not excessively worn and free of protruding physical particles.

– If one or more bags are damaged during the game or change their shape, weight, feel, or otherwise change the required conditions of the bag, this bag can be replaced with the exact same one. If a player does not have an alternate bag, he must exchanged the entire set of four bags.

1.6. Additional instructions for bags

– The bags must be made available to EChA representatives, a judge or the competition manager for inspection at any time during the competition.

– Competitors can also check the bags of an opposing competitor, but only before the start of the competition.

– Due to the obviously changed characteristics of the bags, the competitors can request an EChA representative or an official person at the competition.

– When the match between two competitors ends, the competition result is considered irrevocable.

– During the game, the player must use the bags checked at the beginning of the match. If damage to a bag renders it unplayable then a player must exchange all four bags to continue the match.


2.1. Appearance of the playing field

– The playing field consists of a lane and includes two boards with a mat placed under each board to mark the players playing field.

– The playing field can be limited by various strips, fences with a maximum height of 50 cm or other types of fences, lines, strips, cones, or posts, which must not obstruct the competitors.

– The official dimensions of the court (for two boards, 8.23 ​​cm apart) are at least 3.61 m in width (board width + base + min. 50 cm on each side) and 12.67 to 13 m in length (8.23 m between the boards + 2.44 m length of two boards + additional 100 cm for each board).

– If the space is smaller, both teams must agree on a narrower pitch.

– The base under the boards is the place where competitors stand, which must be made of material that is not slippery, does not fold, does not stick or tear, is not punctured or protruding. The size of the base must be from one piece, measuring from 1.22 – 1.50 m in length and 2.61 m in width.

– The first line of this base (the edge at the lower part of the board) serves as the place where the thrower’s foot is placed. Crossing this line is considered a foul.

– The boards are 8.23 ​​cm apart. Distances are measured to the first-lower part of the board. For playing recreational Cornhole, the distance between the boards can be adjusted.

– Every playing field should have a table or other prop where the scoreboard can be placed.

2.2. Preparation of the playing field

– The pitch for the game of Cornhole should be in the best possible condition for the competition. It is the responsibility of the competitors to check the suitability of the field before the start of the competition.

– There must not be any disturbing objects, slippery, wet, powdery or other substances on the court that make it impossible to walk between the boards.

– On the field, where the surface can be cleaned, the organizer must ensure that the surface is flat, non-slip, dry and in condition so that all competitors have the same conditions.

– The mat under the board must be placed in such a way that its longest part (90 cm) is placed evenly on each side along the left and right sides of the longer edge of the board. The first part of the base must be placed in a parallel line with the first part of the lower part of the board. PICTURE

– The playing field in autumn, winter and early summer, should definitely be indoors. In warmer weather, the playing field can also be outside (conditions described in Article 20 of the competition rules).

– The outdoor playground should be as well protected as possible from wind, traffic and other disturbing factors. If it is played in the evening, it should be brightly and evenly lit.

– Each competition must have a competition manager.


3.1. Game length

The following terminology is used in the game of Cornhole:

– COMPETITION: The word competition is used for playing Cornhole, where mutual games are played in tournament fashion in a long or one-off sports event. These include national and cup championships and other competitions.

– MATCH: A match is a sporting activity between two individuals or two teams playing scrimmage.

Individual parts of the match itself are called:

– THROW: is the throw of a bag by one competitor,

– ROUND: 4 individual bag throws by both competitors (8 throws in total),

– GAME: is a title when one of the competitors or a team scores 21 or more points,

– WIN: when the competitor/team reaches one or two games or for as many games as they agree on. As a rule, only one game is played in official competitions.

A win means that one of the players (team) has reached the agreed number of games, which means that the match between two individuals or teams has a winner. Due to the counting of points in the classification, an individual can score up to 32 points in one match.

EXPLANATION: the player already has 20 points and in the last game he reaches the maximum number of points, i.e. 12.

Each final game is reached when both contestants have thrown all the bags in that final game, the points of which are enough to reach a number of 21 or more.


4.1. Start of the match (throwing and choice of lane)

– The two competitors agree on which of them will throw one of the bags onto the board in a whirlwind. When the bag rests on the board, the seams on one side of the bag will point in a certain direction. In the direction that the seam is facing, that competitor starts by choosing which side of the board to stand, who makes the first throw, and determines bag choice (if both competitors have the same color of bag).

– The second and every subsequent round is started by the person/team that won the last round.

– Competitors throw the bag in their own technique and only one bag at a time.

– Competitors throw bags alternately until both competitors have thrown all 4 bags.

– Competitors throw their bags only from their own throwing area.

– Competitors throw bags with their hand or hands only.

– When throwing, the competitor’s feet must be constantly in their throwing area, even when the competitor has already thrown the bag.

– The competitor throws the bag only when his opponent’s bag has stopped.

– Competitors must remain in their throwing area until all 8 bags have been thrown. Any crossing of the line or walking around the throwing area is considered a foul.

– If the two players perceive that there are many bags in the hole of the board they are throwing to, which could make it impossible for the following bags to fall into the hole, they agree and go to the board together. One of the players moves the bags under the board to the right or left so that the following bags are allowed to fall into the hole. The exact procedure is described in Article 6.3. of these rules.

4.2. Non-random throwing

– EXCEPTION: Any bag that fell to the ground from the thrower’s hands unplanned in the middle of the game and on the throwing area, when i.e. waiting for a throw, preparing for a throw or before starting to prepare for the throw, the competitor can pick it up and continue preparing for the throw. The second non-random throw is considered to obstruct the opponent and is considered unsportsmanlike conduct.

4.3. The initial throw in the next game

– The competitor/team that wins points in the last game throws first in the next game.

– If none of the competitors/teams have won any points, the same competitor or team that began the previous round begins the next round.

4.4. Touching the bags before the game ends (8 bags thrown)

– If a competitor touches any bag that is on the board or in the hole, or has touched, moved or removed it on purpose or by mistake, the game stops immediately (applies to team competition when two competitors are standing at each board).

– A competitor who has touched, moved or removed the bags on the board or in the hole before the start of counting automatically loses all points in this game – the opponent receives as many points as he scored.

– You can only touch the competitor’s bags if a large number of bags have accumulated in the hole of the board, preventing the next bag from falling. See the rule described in Article 6.3.


– The competitor with the blue bags accidentally reached on the board and picked up at least one (any) bag.

– The competitor with the red bags threw 3 bags before touching the bags of the opposing competitor, which gave a total of 5 points.

– The competitor with the blue bags also threw 3 bags to his board or his teammate and scored 7 points with them.

– The game is interrupted. Points are taken away from the player with the blue bags and only the points scored by the competitor with the red bags (5 points in this case) and the points from the remaining throw or throws.

4.5. Play Time Frames

– The competitor must throw the bag within 10-20 seconds, from the last bag thrown by the opponent.

– Points start to be added at least 5 seconds after the last throw (doubles competition) or within 15 seconds (which is enough time for the two contestants to walk to the board they were throwing on) in the individual game.

The results must be determined within one minute, unless there are misunderstandings regarding the counting and the referee or other official intervenes in the counting.

EXPLANATION: The official can always intervene automatically in the game. An exception to the time limit is only allowed due to the competitor’s limited medical condition.

– If a particular competitor thinks the bag is still moving, they can take advantage of said 5 seconds by immediately warning their opponent to stop picking up the bags. Said contestant then counts 5 seconds out loud by saying the word twenty-one 5 times. In the mentioned case, none of the competitors may touch the board, hit it, jump on the board with the intention of causing the bag to move. If, due to said physical engagement, the bag is moved, it or they are placed in the last position (the position before the movement that was caused on purpose).

– Competitors then start counting after 5 seconds by taking into account the position of the bags that reached the position at the end of the count.

– If the competitors cannot agree on the time, the official will determine the points.

– The competitor’s bags can be picked up from the board only after a final agreement regarding the number of points.

4.6. Counting methodology

The counting method is based on the difference in points scored on the board between the two competitors in one game. Only the difference in points scored in favor of one or the other competitor is counted in the next game.

– 1 POINT: throw on the board and

– 3 POINTS: throw into the board hole.


The competitor with the red bags throws one bag onto the board and 2 bags into the hole. The fourth bag landed next to the board. He scores a total of 7 points (1 + 3 + 3 + 0).

The competitor with the blue bags throws 2 bags onto the board, none into the hole and two past the board. He scored a total of 2 points (1 + 1 + 0 + 0).

7 points minus 2 points = 5 points, which are added to the total score of the competitor with red bags.

4.7. Counting

– No bag may be moved until the count and difference between the two contestants has been unanimously determined.

– First, the bags worth 1 point are counted (bags on the board) and then the bags that are in the hole (3 points) are counted.

We must pay attention to the counting of the bags around the hole, so that by removing or moving the other bags, we do not change the position (e.g. that the bag slips into the hole).

– Competitors themselves take care of marking the result on the scoreboard.

– If a third person is appointed to keep the results, it is the task of the competitors to report the result to this person after each count. Both competitors monitor whether the scoreboard shows the right result.

– In the case of using a computer application, the publication of results is adjusted to this program.

– At the start of the next game, the score may no longer be changed unless otherwise agreed upon by both competitors.

– If the two contestants cannot reach an agreement or if there are any irregularities, the appointed referee or leader of the competition will be called and he will decide on the result.

4.8. Competitor’s position

– The competitor’s position during the throw is the position in which he must stand during play. His base is the one opposite to the competitor’s which is determined at the beginning of the match.

– During the throw, the competitor can take any position of the body as long as he always stands on his part of the ground with at least one foot and does not cross the designated area for throwing.

– In the doubles game, the two competitors who are not throwing must step on the farthest part of the base, which is parallel to the longer part of the board.

– Competitors at the opposite board in doubles competition stand still. Also, the competitor waiting for the throw (this is during the preparation and throwing of his opponent’s bags) also stands still. SKETCH


5.1. Throwing Fouls

– A throwing foul is considered when the competitor’s foot crosses the line of the space (ground) for the throw, until all 8 bags have been thrown or the match ends.

5.1.1. Procedure and penalties for transgressions:

– If a foul was noticed and the opposing competitor saw it, he must judge for himself whether the opponent’s throw harmed him. Depending on the situation, he may request a time out and immediately inform the official of the competition. Calling a time out is not considered a throwing time violation.

An official person will call both or all four competitors (in the case of a doubles game), inform them of the rules of the game and the penalties and judge with a warning, appropriate procedure or punishment.

1. Verbal warning: When a competitor receives the first warning, his bag is marked as invalid and his throw does not count. The opponent can decide to correct the position of the bags on the board to such a position as it was before the invalid throw or to leave the bags in their existing state. Bags are fixed by the competition leader.

2. Second warning: When the same competitor receives a second warning he automatically loses the entire game – the opponent receives as many points as there are on the board of his bags. If the unpunished player still has bags in his hand, he can still throw them. Those bags are counted as well.

In case of any further transgression, the competitor will be disqualified by an official and reported to the relevant authority at EChA. The opponent wins with a score of 21:0.

ADDITIONAL EXPLANATION: An official may penalize a particular competitor without warning.

5.1.2. Procedure and penalties for moving an opponent based on:

– If the movement of the opponent was observed and the competitor who threw saw him, he himself judges whether the movement was harmful to him. If the competitor has not yet thrown, he asks the opponent to stop any activity that disturbs the competitor.

However, if the competitor has already thrown the bag, depending on the situation of his throwing achievement, he may request a repetition of the throw by immediately informing the opponent that the movement hindered him from throwing.

If the competitors do not agree, the competitor who threw the bag requests a time out and immediately informs the official of the competition. Calling a time out is not considered a throwing time violation.

An official person will call both or all four competitors (in the case of a doubles game), informed them of the rules of the game and the penalties and judged with a warning, appropriate procedure or punishment.

1. Verbal warning: When a competitor who moved during an opponent’s throw receives a verbal warning, the competitor who threw decides whether his throw will be valid. If he decides to repeat the throw, the bags on the board are returned to their previous – last position.

2. Second warning: At the second movement warning, the competitor automatically loses the entire game – the opponent receives as many points as there are on the board of his bags. He may still throw any unused bags and those count as well.

For any further movement and thereby obstructing the opponent, the competitor is disqualified by an official and reported to the relevant authority at EChA. The opponent wins with a score of 21:0.

5.1.3. Procedure and penalties for moving of an opponent in the space between the boards

– When both competitors in the individual game throw their 4 bags each, they move to the other side. In doing so, they must be careful not to cross the imaginary line of their court, which ends with an imaginary line running from the end side of the mat on each side of the board.

A competitor who walks outside this virtual line and thus disturbs a competitor on the adjacent court is penalized with:

1. Verbal warning: The competitor – the violator receives a verbal warning when an official or a competitor on the adjacent track, whose game has been disturbed by the violator’s encroachment on his court, sees and warns him. The violator is immediately deprived of 1 point.

2. Second warning: At the second warning, the competitor automatically loses the entire game – the opponent receives as many points as there from his bags. If an unpunished player has bags in his hand, he can still throw them. Those bags count too.

For any further movement and thereby obstructing the opponent, the competitor is disqualified by an official and reported to the relevant authority at EChA. His opponent wins with a score of 21:0.

The competitor whose throw was obstructed by the offender has the opportunity to repeat the throw. The bags on the board in his game return to their previous position.

ADDITIONAL EXPLANATION: An official may penalize a particular competitor without warning.

5.2. Throwing offenses – invalid throw

The following throws are considered invalid throws:

a.) If the bag is thrown in such a way that the thrower did not stay in his throwing area with his whole body.

Procedure: The throw is considered to have been thrown but is invalid at the same time. The opponent decides whether to remove the bag and restore the position of the bags as before this throw or to let the bag remain valid.

b.) If the opponent’s bag has not yet stopped in front of him and the player has already thrown his bag.

Procedure: The throw is considered to have been thrown but is invalid at the same time. The opponent decides whether to remove the bag and restore the position of the bags as before this roll or to let the bag remain valid.

c.) If the bag touches the floor or stands/rests on a bag that is already on the floor and thus rests on the board.

Procedure: The bag must be removed immediately. It is removed by the competitor who threw it or by his doubles partner.

d.) If the bag bounces off the floor and remains on the board.

Procedure: The throw is considered to have been thrown but is invalid at the same time. The bag is removed and the position of the bags must be restored as before this throw. The bag is removed by the competitor who threw it or his teammate in the doubles game.

e.) If, during the throw, the bag touched any other object that is not part of the equipment slots (ceiling, lights, curtains, etc.).

Procedure: The throw is considered to have been thrown but is invalid at the same time. The bag is removed and the position of the bags must be restored as before this throw. The bag is removed by the competitor who threw it or his teammate in the doubles game.

TIP: A competitor who violates the rules should be informed of the rules by the leader of the competition.

5.3. Late to the competition

– Before the start of the competition, the registered team is obliged to confirm their arrival with the manager of the competition, who organizes the competition.

– Registered individuals/teams must confirm their arrival at least 15 minutes before the start of the official part of the competition. If the team registers other competitors for the doubles competition (if the competition is also in doubles), they can arrive later, but at least 15 minutes before the start of the doubles competition.

– If a team is late and is late for the match due to certain objective obstacles and this delay does not last longer than 30 minutes, the match will be played after the arrival of that team. Otherwise, the match will be postponed to another suitable date (which the teams can agree on). If the two teams fail to agree, the match is delegated by the competition manager.

– In the event that an individual/team in doubles is not at the court (board) at the agreed time, within 3 (three) minutes, it is considered that the individual/team in doubles is not present and the game ends with a score of 21:0 in favor of the competitor/doubles team that is on the court. Said time is recorded by the tournament manager and is counted from the moment the official announcer or tournament managers announce the court number and the players playing on that court.

5.4. Adequacy of throw bag

Violators of the bag rules are subject to the following penalties by the referee or the leader of the competition. In the case of multiple violations, a penalty from the relevant authority at EChA.

1. Verbal warning: confiscation of incorrect bags during a game or match. The competitor must immediately replace the incorrect bags with their valid or play with other bags until the end of the competition.

If a player starts playing despite being instructed to replace the bags with real ones, the match is immediately registered in favor of the opponent with a score of 21:0.

5.5. Time Violations during Frames

5.5.1. If the thrower’s bag has not been thrown within 10 or 20 seconds, after the opponent’s throw.

The procedure and penalties for overtime violations are:

– If one of the competitors points out a violation of the throwing time or early throwing, he must call a time out and inform the official of the competition. The competitor who called a timeout is not penalized.

– An official person will call both or all four competitors (in the case of a doubles game), inform them of the rules of the game and the penalties and judge with a warning, appropriate procedure or punishment

– If an official notices a violation of the time limit, the penalties are as follows:

1. First warning.

2. Second warning: The offender loses the entire current game when warned, the opponent receives as many points as the sum of his bags on the board plus points from any remaining throws he can throw.

5.5.2. If the bag was thrown too quickly

If a competitor throws a bag before signaling (see Art. 6.3. removal of bags in the board hole), the opposing competitor decides on the validity of the throw based on the state of this throw. If they do not agree on the goal, an official is called.

– The official will call the contestants for an interview, start observing their game and judge with the following penalties:

1. Verbal warning: The violator receives the first warning. The official will give the injured player an opportunity to decide whether to accept the over-thrown bag as valid or invalid. If he decides the bag as invalid, the offender’s bag is not counted, the bag is removed and all bags are restored to their previous position. If he decides that this throw did not interfere with the game and damage him, the current condition may stand.

2. Second warning: On the second warning, the offender loses the current game, the opponent receives as many points as the sum of his bags on the board plus points from all remaining throws in that game.


6.1. Moving the board

A competitor may move the board between individual games only with the consent of the opponent. Regarding correcting the position of the board, the competitors can also call an official who judges the correct position of the board.

6.2. Interruption of the game (time out)

– Each competitor/team has the option of calling a time out of an individual game or their entire match, in order to warn of possible violations or to see the bags on the opposing game board.

– A competitor who calls a stoppage of the game in order to inspect the bags and thereby adjust the next throw must leave all the remaining bags in the throwing space at the game board. If he takes unthrown bags with him, they are considered thrown and are invalid. The opponent may throw all remaining bags and are counted.

– A competitor can also call a suspension due to health problems. He must report this to the head of the competition (or the referee) and take appropriate action.

IMPORTANT EXPLANATION: During the game itself, an interruption can also be called by an official who assesses that there have been certain irregularities in the functioning of the equipment, bags or other errors that could put the competitors in an unequal position.

6.3. Aligning the bags in the hole

If a situation arises in the hole due to the accumulation of bags, which prevents the bags from falling into the hole and would make it impossible for the next competitor to slip the bag into the hole, one of the competitors may request that the bags in the hole be aligned. For the aforementioned move, the competitor must audibly express his wish. Both competitors must agree to the bag removal procedure. In the hole, the bottom lying bag is always removed first.

– One of the competitors performs the procedure, the other observes it. In the case of a team match, this role can be performed by two teammates who are standing at the board on which the throw is being made. Until the contestants who are removing the loaded bags inform the other contestants that the hole is empty, the contestants who are waiting with the throw may not continue (see Art. 5.5.2.).

– The said alignment of the bags can also be done by an official person, voluntarily or at the initiative of the competitors playing in this game.

– The mentioned procedure can be requested by the player at any time and this time is not considered as calling a game suspension.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: While aligning the bags in the hole, we must do our best to keep an eye on the other bags on the board during the process itself. In the event that during the alignment of the bags, one or more bags lying on the edge of the hole fall into the hole (none of the competitors touched this bag), the mentioned bag is left in the hole and is counted as 3 points.

6.4. Removing the bags on the board

– If the thrown bag ends up on the floor next to the board and any part of it touches the board.

– If the bag landed on the board with a rebound from the floor.

– If the bag landed on the board with a bounce from the floor and changed the position of already existing bags on the board, the opponent can decide to restore the previous state or leave the existing state.

– Each competitor only removes his own bags.

6.5. Allowed transfer

A competitor may cross the boundary of the board space or approach the opposing board during a single game:

1. When a time out is called.

2. To straighten the pile of bags that have accumulated in the hole of the board.

3. To remove the illegal bag from the board.

4. To correct the position of the board or mat together with the opponent.

5. To check the position of the bags when deciding on the next throw.

7. BEHAVIOR OF COMPETITORS (including staff and spectators)

7.1. Inappropriate behavior

The aforementioned Chapter 7 on inappropriate behavior covers all participants in the competition: competitors, attendants, official staff and spectators (hereinafter competitors).

Competitors must behave appropriately and respectfully during the competition. With their voice, movements, activity or walking on their part of the field, they must not disturb the opponent or competitors on other tracks. A competitor playing who feels uncomfortable or disturbed by an opponent’s behavior may report this to a competition official.

Examples of unpleasant behavior can be:

– Use of insults.

– Using offensive, disrespectful language or any other verbal communication when the preparation for the throw begins.

– Juggling or any other kind of playing with bags.

– Lifting bags off the board while opponent is throwing.

– The use of all chemical substances on or near the field that directly affect the players.

– Any other act that unintentionally or intentionally interferes with the opponent when throwing.

7.2. Procedure and punishment of misconduct

If a competitor detects inappropriate behavior from his opponent, described in chapter 7.1, he can proceed as follows:

If unsportsmanlike behavior has been observed, the competitor must judge whether the action has harmed him. If the competitor has not yet thrown, he asks the opponent to stop any activity.

However, if the competitor has already thrown the bag, depending on the situation of his throwing achievement, he may request a repetition of the throw by immediately informing the opponent that his unsportsmanlike behavior prevented him from throwing.

If the competitors do not agree, the competitor who threw can request a time out and immediately inform the official of the competition. Calling a time out is not considered a throwing time violation. It is requested that all players remain respectful throughout the entire competition.

An official person will call both or all four players (in the case of a doubles game) and judges by allowing a re-throw or confirming the result.

– The official will then monitor the game of the contestants and issue the following warnings.

1. Verbal warning: When the competitor receives a verbal warning, the competitor who threw decides: to fix the position of the bags on the board to the same position as it was before the throw, or to leave the bags in their current state. Any bags are fixed by the competition leader.

2. Second warning: The contestant is disqualified and forfeits the match by a score of 21:0. The violator is reported to the relevant authority at EChA.

Punishment includes the punishment of all teammates, team managers or fans of the player who misbehaves.

ADDITIONAL EXPLANATION: An official may penalize a particular competitor even without warning the competitor.

In case of serious violations, the official can immediately (without warning) remove the individual from the competition. Likewise, in case of positive tests, which serve as proof of the introduction of harmful substances, the official can immediately exclude the player and later report it to the relevant EChA authority or even to another relevant authority of the Republic of Slovenia.

EXPLANATION: An official can automatically intervene in the game even without warnings from the staff.

7.3. Sports gathering

A competitor is not allowed to:

– Disturb the opponent with questions, challenges, interference.

– Use insults that would insult the individual.

– Use obscene gestures.

– Use unintentional physical gestures in cooperation with other competitors or fans from his team.

– Or any other way of unsportsmanlike behavior.

A competitor who shows unsportsmanlike behavior towards other competitors, visitors or officials may be treated as a violator and punished accordingly.

As described in Article 7.2. such behavior is punished in a game in which a competitor is being cheered for in an unsportsmanlike manner.

An official can also remove spectators who misbehave from the hall.

– Competitors do not smoke or consume alcoholic beverages on the field and near the field. The official punishes the violator accordingly or, in order to continue his presence on the field, even requires him to take a breathalyzer or other tests that confirm the use of inappropriate consumption of alcohol or other chemical substances. He can also penalize competitors for the inappropriate behavior of club or team members during competition.

– Upon detection in the above-mentioned indent, the official immediately intervenes and warns the competitor, official or spectator. If said person does not follow the rules, that person will be removed. In the event that the removed person is a competitor or an official, disciplinary proceedings will also be initiated against him at the relevant EChA body.

7.4. Communication during the match

Each competitor may communicate with others in an appropriate manner and thus receive advice regarding throws, holding bags, tactics or other sports advice, but within the limits of sportsmanship and time allowed.


8.1. European Cornhole Association, Slovenia

EChA is a legal entity, so it has the possibility to organize paid events for visitors. EChA can also grant concessions to related organizations, associations or other organizers who wish to operate under the auspices of EChA to use the name, objects, flags, emblems, method of organization, but they must operate in accordance with EChA rules.

– Competitors may wear their team’s uniform jerseys in the 2023/2024 competition year.

– For the purposes of presenting the game, EChA can choose a media company to carry out a report or broadcast for EChA.

EChA adopted the Rules at its meeting on: 19 June 2024

Rogaška Slatina/Slovenia, June 18, 2024


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